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Valicor Update on Coronavirus / COVID-19 Response

As a supply chain and environmental services partner, Valicor wanted to update you on our company’s response to the coronavirus / COVID-19 outbreak and reassure you that we will continue to make every effort to serve the needs of our customers during this challenging time. While the situation is continually evolving, these guidelines represent our best judgment at this moment in time and the practical steps we are taking to reduce risk to the health & safety of our team members, as well as the continuity of our customers and communities.

Precautionary Actions

Safety within our facilities is always a top priority at Valicor, and we have established a COVID-19 Response Committee that is working alongside our general managers and facility managers to identify the work streams and preparations we need to make as an organization.

We are in the process of developing contingency plans to the extent a facility or team member is quarantined to ensure continued service to customers. Additional health & safety signage has been posted within all processing facilities and we have procured additional sanitizing and hygiene supplies.

To prevent any supply disruption, we have procured additional processing material such that we have a significant reserve in case of any disruption.

Valicor team members who have any symptoms of illness are asked to stay home from work and seek immediate medical attention. Anyone who has been in direct contact with someone at risk for contracting COVID-19 will be quarantined under the local health administration protocol.

Valicor will be offering paid leave for all team members forced to quarantine due to illness or potential exposure to the virus. All non-essential travel has been suspended for the time being as we assess the changing landscape. Fortunately, Valicor’s operations are all domestic and therefore remains unaffected by international travel restrictions.

Most importantly, we are fortunate that so far none of our team members or their families have been directly affected by COVID-19. We encourage all our team members to follow the CDC guidelines regarding personal hygiene and public health.

Please be assured that Valicor will continue to be mindful and take the recommended and necessary steps to minimize the impact of this epidemic on our operations, team members, customers, supply partners and communities. If you have any questions or require additional information, please contact your Valicor Sales or Service Representative.