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Sustainable Waste Solutions in Inkster, MI

Centralized Wastewater Treatment, Recycled Petroluem Product and More in Inkster...

Valicor's Inkster facility caters to a range of industries, including manufacturing plants, automotive facilities, and other businesses that produce oily wastewater and leachate. The facility utilizes advanced technology to separate and recover oil and other materials from the wastewater, reducing environmental impact and encouraging resource conservation. By offering dependable, eco-friendly waste management solutions, Valicor's Inkster facility enhances the region's overall sustainability. With a dedication to environmental stewardship and technological advancement, Valicor is a reliable partner for Inkster businesses aiming to fulfill their regulatory requirements and lessen their environmental impact, all while prioritizing the safety of team members and the broader community.

Inkster, MI

Robert Rayburn,

Facility Manager

Receiving Hours:

6:00 am – 6:30 pm, M-F

Office Hours:

8:00 am – 5:00 pm, M-F

Please schedule drop-offs 48 hours in advance:
Call: 313.724.8600
Email: inksterscheduling@valicor.com

Contact Us

Services Inkster Provides

Oily Wastewater   Consumer Product Destruction and Recycling  
Organics / Leachate pick-icon Container Mgmt. Including Energy Recover and WTE  
Non-Hazardous Solidification   Oil Filters  
Recycled Fuel oil Purchase /Sales   Parts Washers  
Used Oil Route Collection   Used Antifreeze Collection  
New Industrial Oil Mftg. and Used Oil Reclamation   Truck and Tanker Washouts/ Cleaning pick-icon
RCRA Part B Permit, Lean Water, RCRA Containers   Industrial Cleaning Services pick-icon
Vacuum Truck (Oil / Water Separators) pick-icon Railcar Loads and Railcar Cleaning  
Distillate Processing (RPP/PCW) pick-icon Metal Bearing Wastewater  
Petroleum Contaminated Solids (MD, OH, TX, DE)   CWT pick-icon

Valicor Services in Inkster, MI

Centralized Wastewater Treatment

Wastewater is collected from multiple sources, such as commercial or industrial facilities, for treatment at Valicor's Inkster facility, employing advanced treatment technologies to return water to compliance with regulatory standards.

Organics / Leachate

The management of high organic aqueous waste and leachate from landfills and other manufacturing sites. Valicor's advanced treatment technologies minimize environmental risks, ensuring compliance while protecting water resources.

Vacuum Truck (Oil / Water Separators)

Specialized service using trucks equipped with powerful vacuum pump systems designed to safely and efficiently collect and transport oily wastewater, sludge, and other liquids

Distillate Processing (RPP/PCW)

Valicor utilizes advanced technologies to separate and purify the various components of recycled petroleum products, such as used motor oil and waste oils, ensuring that the final products meet strict quality standards for use in transportation, industrial applications, and more.

Truck and Tanker Washouts/ Cleaning

Specialized service that involves the thorough cleaning and decontamination of trucks and tankers used to transport various liquids, including chemicals, food products, and industrial materials.

Industrial Cleaning Services

Comprehensive cleaning solutions for a wide range of industrial facilities, including manufacturing plants, warehouses, and refineries, including deep cleaning, decontamination, and removal of waste materials.

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