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ISO 14001 Certified


ISO 14001 Certified at Valicor CWT Facilities

In 1998, Valicor was the first non-hazardous wastewater company in the United States to receive the environmental distinction of ISO 14001. The International Organization for Standardization (ISO), located in Geneva, Switzerland promotes the development and implementation of voluntary international standards, both for particular products and for environmental management issues.

Under this voluntary program, each Valicor CWT facility within the scope of the certification meets the internationally agreed standard for environmental management systems and have been audited by the third-party AWM Inc. AWM was one of the first five accredited U.S. certification bodies and has been providing continuous certification services since 1996.

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By meeting the ISO 14001 standard, Valicor agrees to three main Environmental Management Standards:

  • Manage our environmental impacts and improve environmental performance caused by our products, services, and activities through life-cycle perspectives and assessments.
  • We utilize the EMS structure to provide environmental management which covers areas such as training, record management, inspections, objectives, and policies.
  • We understand the need for continual improvement of our organization’s systems and approach to environmental concerns.