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Emergency Response & Remediation


When a prominent global chemical corporation experienced an accidental discharge of a synthetic lubricant during a storm, they immediately turned to Valicor, relying on our flexibility and expertise, as well as our network of Centralized Wastewater Treatment facilities. 


In the process of moving materials being produced in their own facility, a major global chemical corporation had a major issue when a hose that was filling a tank disconnected, sending the materials flowing into a nearby storm drain. Making matters worse, the event occurred during a significant rain storm, moving the materials even faster through the drains and into a nearby retention pond. This event necessitated a complete draining and scrubbing of the bottom and walls of the retention pond. The company immediately began pumping the pond water into their storage tanks, but they didn't have near enough storage space for the entire pond and needed immediate assistance in removing and treating the water. 

What We Did

Valicor was contacted and immediately dispatched a team to begin assessment of the situation. Samples of the contaminated water were taken and sent for analysis to ensure compliance at Valicor's CWT facilities. After an expedited profile approval process lasting just under 6 hours, Valicor mobilized their fleet of trucks in the region to begin removing over 20 truckloads per day from the facility. Because of the sheer amount of water needing to be treated (over 600,000 gallons) no one facility could take on the full quantity of water. With Valicor's vast network of CWTs, though, the loads were able to be split among three separate CWT facilities all within 1.5 hours of the site.

The Outcome

Thanks to Valicor's quick response and vast network, the retention pond was completely emptied within a 6 day period and the facility was able to return to normal operations. In total, Valicor removed over 100 truckloads of water, totaling over 600,000 gallons. The ability to split the large job between multiple facilities in the area was essential, given that no one facility could handle this large job in addition to their normal operations. After completion of the emergency response and remediation, Valicor was also contracted to remove and clean an additional 30 loads of remaining water from the storage tanks during more normal operations and timelines.

rain falling into a retention pond with rubber lined walls near an industrial facility-1-1

Best Practices

These best practices underscore Valicor's commitment to operational excellence, risk management, and environmental responsibility in waste management:

Immediate Response: This clent experienced an emergency spill during a significant weather event, and Valicor immediately mobilized and worked to help assess and remedy the situation, including expediting a profile approval process, which can sometimes take days or weeks, into getting profile approval in under six hours. This allowed Valicor to immediately begin the process of moving materials out of the customer's facility, and into our for treatment.

Coordination Between Multiple CWTs: This job was not a standard run of the mill cleanup. The process of completely draining a large retention pond and cleaning the water from it took significant coordination between multiple Centralized Wastewater Facilities Valicor has in the immediate area. Being able to move all of the water to multiple facilities simultaneously meant the client could more quickly remove the contaminated water, and in turn, get back to normal operations in the facility.

Communication and Collaboration: When this client experienced this event, Valicor was the immediate call that was made. Throughout the event, Valicor and the client were in constant contact, and working together to ensure the entire process was handled safely and seamlessly. 

Partner with Valicor Today

For industry-leading expertise, customized solutions, and a commitment to environmental responsibility, partner with Valicor for your petroleum contact water treatment and management needs. Our team is dedicated to delivering exceptional service, cutting-edge technologies, and sustainable practices. Contact us today to discuss your specific requirements and let us create a tailored solution to optimize your waste treatment program.

We can help with your compliant environmental and waste management needs. Let's start an exploratory conversation together!


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